Saturday, March 4, 2017

ASC-IIAS Fellowship Application

Application deadline 
15 March and 15 September of each year 

For whom?

The ASC-IIAS fellowship is intended for researchers specialising in Asian-African interactions.

The ASC-IIAS Joint Fellowship Programme

This fellowship is jointly offered by IIAS and the African Studies Centre in Leiden.

It aims to attract researchers whose work is informed by current theoretical debates in the social sciences and humanities over global connectivities and who are able to critically engage with shifting paradigms  in “area studies” beyond the ways in which these have traditionally been conceived in the West. 

We are particularly interested in receiving fellowship proposals that go beyond a mere analysis of current issues associated with African-Asian comparative economic developments or Chinese investments in Africa -- although none of these themes, if appraised critically and for their societal consequences, will of course be excluded. Our definition of Asia and Africa is broad and inclusive, Asia ranging from the Middle-East to the Pacific Coast, and Africa from North-Africa to the southern tip of the continent.
  • Fellowship of maximum 6 months
  • Fellows will receive a monthly grant to cover the cost of living and housing
  • Applications include a work plan of 1000 words maximum and a CV
  • Candidates should have a PhD

Invitation to apply

Interested applicants are invited to email/post their applications, consisting of:
  1. Application form  download here (Word)
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Two letters of reference
    Please ensure that a minimum of two letters of reference are sent to us in confidence via email or post, commenting on the applicant’s academic abilities and the value of  the applicant’s research project.
Closing dates for applications:

Application deadline 
15 March and 15 September of each year 

Note for applications via email:
  1. You will receive a reply acknowledging receipt of your email/application.
  2. If you have already sent in your application via email, kindly do not send the same application via post and vice versa.
  3. Please keep your email and attachments below 10MB by zipping any large files, as emails larger than 10MB will be rejected by our email system.

    Address for submission of applications, reference letters and/or queries:
    (1) Email: 

    (2) IIAS-ASC Fellowship Programme
          c/o Ms. Sandra van der Horst
          International Institute for Asian Studies
          Rapenburg 59
          2311 GJ Leiden
          The Netherlands

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