Saturday, April 18, 2015

EURIAS Fellowship Programme for International Researchers, 2016-2017

The European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) is offering 43 international fellowships (22 junior and 22 senior positions) in Humanities and Social sciences. The Fellowship Programme is an international researcher mobility programme offering 10-month residencies in one of the 16 participating Institutes. All IAS have agreed on common standards, including the provision of a living allowance (in the range of €26,000 for a junior fellow and €38,000 for a senior fellow), accommodation (or a mobility allowance), a research budget, plus coverage of travel expenses. Applications should be submitted till June 5, 2015.
Study Subject(s): EURIAS Fellowships are mainly offered in the fields of the humanities and social sciences but may also be granted to scholars in life and exact sciences, provided that their proposed research project does not require laboratory facilities and that it interfaces with humanities and social sciences.
Course Level: Fellowships are for pursuing research programme.
Scholarship Provider: The European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS)
Scholarship can be taken at: Bologna(Italy), Budapest (Hungary), Cambridge, Edinburgh (UK), Berlin, Delmenhorst, Freiburg (Germany), Helsinki (Finland), Jerusalem (Israel), Lyon, Marseille, Paris (France), Uppsala (Sweden), Vienna (Austria), Wassenaar (Netherlands), Zürich (Switzerland). Applicants may select up to three IAS outside their country of nationality or residence as possible host institutions.
Degree: At the time of the application, researchers must be in possession of a doctoral degree plus 2 years of full-time research experience after the degree. Exception is made for Law scholars who are eligible with a Master +6 years of full-time research experience after the degree. (PhD training is not considered in the calculation of experience).
Mobility: Researchers from all countries are eligible to the programme but one cannot apply to an institute located in his/her country of residence. Exception is made for applicants who have spent no more than 12 months in their country of residence during the last three years prior to the application.
Disciplines: The programme is open to all disciplines in the fields of humanities and social sciences.
It also welcomes applications from the arts, life and exact sciences provided that:
-the research project does not require any intensive laboratory work,
-the research project interfaces with humanities and social sciences,
-the applicant has a proven capacity to dialogue with other scientific disciplines,
-the candidate applies to an IAS that welcome scholars outside the humanities and social sciences.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to check the IAS’ websites to learn more about the scientific orientation of the Institutes and their potential opening to disciplines outside the humanities and social sciences.
Age: There is no age discrimination.
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: EURIAS Fellowship Programme is available for worldwide scholars.
Scholarship Description: The European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) Fellowship Programme is an international researcher mobility programme offering 10-month residencies in one of the 16 participating Institutes: Berlin, Bologna, Budapest, Cambridge, Delmenhorst, Edinburgh, Freiburg, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Lyon, Marseille, Paris, Uppsala, Vienna, Wassenaar, Zürich. The Institutes for Advanced Study support the focused, self-directed work of outstanding researchers. The fellows benefit from the finest intellectual and research conditions and from the stimulating environment of a multi-disciplinary and international community of first-rate scholars.
Number of award(s): For the 2016-2017 academic year, EURIAS offers 43 fellowships (21 junior and 22 senior positions).
Duration of award(s): The EURIAS Fellowship Programme offers two types of 10-month fellowships according to research experience: junior and senior.
What does it cover? All IAS have agreed on common standards, including the provision of a living allowance (in the range of € 26,000 for a junior fellow and € 38,000 for a senior fellow), accommodation (or a mobility allowance), a research budget, plus coverage of travel expenses.
Selection Criteria: The selection of applicants who are eligible for a fellowship is competitive, merit-based and conducted through an internationally independent and recognized peer review process. It meets the highly demanding excellence standards of the participating Institutes for Advanced Study. The EURIAS Fellowship Programme undertakes a detailed qualitative assessment according to the following criteria:
(i) Scientific excellence of the applicant: career path; international experience; quality of publications; capacity to carry out the research proposal and ability to forge beyond disciplinary specialisation
(ii) Quality of the research proposal: innovative and path-breaking quality of the proposal; connexion to current debates and literature; sound theoretical and methodological framework; feasibility of the work programme; interdisciplinary potential of the research proposal; expected output and significance of the proposal for the international academic community
(iii) Relevance of an IAS residency: expected impact of the invitation on the research project; applicant’s ability to interact with IAS international and multidisciplinary communities; expected impact of the fellowship on training and career development and proven language capacity (most IAS operate in an English-language environment, but research can be conducted in any language, and language diversity is welcome).
Notification: Results of the pre-selection by EURIAS Scientific Committee will be announced by Mid-November, 2015 and Publication of IAS final selections will be in Mid-January, 2016.
Online Application: Applications are submitted online. In order to provide evaluators with relevant information to perform their work efficiently, EURIAS fellowship applicants have to submit (in English exclusively):
-The completed EURIAS application form;
-A curriculum comprising a list of publications;
-A detailed research proposal (maximum 5 pages / 10,000 signs -spaces not included- and a bibliography – maximum 1 additional page);
-For candidates applying for junior fellowships, two letters of recommendation;
-Publications in a pdf format (2 for juniors, 5 for seniors) in case publications are in another language than English, an English-written abstract is requested;
-Copy of the PhD diploma in a pdf format -if the writing system/scrip used in the diploma is not Latin (but, for example, Cyrillic, Chinese, Arabic or some other), a Latin script university certificate or official translation is requested;
-Applicants are required to specify the following in their proposals;
-Applicants are required to indicate up to three IAS as the most adequate host institutions in the order of preference and to justify their choices.
Scholarship Application Deadline: Application deadline is June 5, 2015.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application



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