Eligible applicants (Incoming scheme):
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia,Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, and Ukraine
Applicants from these countries can apply for up to 4 semesters (MA level) or 2 semester (PhD/postdoc) at higher-education institutions in V4 countries.
Eligible applicants (Outgoing/Intra-V4 schemes):
Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia
Applicants from V4 countries can apply for 1 or 2 semesters at higher-education institutions in V4 countries (Intra-Visegrad scheme), and in Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership countries (Outgoing scheme).
Key details:
- min. study period is 1 semester, max. 2 semesters, or 4 semesters—only within Incoming MA-level scholarships
- having concluded at least 4 university semesters when applying, 6 semesters (equivalent of BA degree program) when starting the scholarship
- spending the entire scholarship period at the host institution
- program not suitable for joint programs (double- or multiple-degree)
- €2,300/semester for the scholar + €1,500/semester for the host
- possibility to apply for a separate travel grant, if residing further than 1,500 km from the host
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IYPORTAL, we’re dedicated to helping young people succeed. We open doors for youth with a holistic approach that emphasizes life skills in combination with a mix of technical, vocational, and entrepreneurship training. As a result, young people are prepared to enter the workforce, create their own opportunities, and be agents of change in their communities.
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