Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) annually offers “Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science” (SAKURA Exchange Program in Science). This program aims to promote exchanges between young Asian researchers and Japanese researchers in fields of science and technology through the close collaboration of industry-academia-government by facilitating short-term visits of competent Asian youths to Japan for studying and experiencing cutting-edge Japanese technology. This year, for the first time, this program is being offered in Pakistan.
The program works as following:
(1) Sending Organization in Pakistan needs to contact Receiving Institution/Organization in Japan.
(2) Receiving organization in Japan needs to formulate visitation program, in cooperation with sending organization. If specific field or activity is desired by sending organization, such as robotic, physics, chemistry or visit to Sony, Cannon factory and so on is desired to be included in the program, then this is the time to negotiate with Receiving Organization. There will be a limit on what can be done, but there is no harm in expressing the interest of students/teachers of sending organization.
(3) Once the schedule/activity plan is formulated by Receiving Organization, this plan needs to be submitted to JST by Receiving Organization as an application.
(4) If this application is approved, then receiving organization will receive funding and sending organization can send students/teachers/scientists to Japan and experience the field study tour.
Interested educational institutions in Pakistan can apply for this program between October and November 2016.
Earlier submissions will have more chances of approval.
For details of the program please visit the following links:
Purpose of the Program
Outline of Exchange program
For more informations please (click here)
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