Saturday, March 28, 2015

Study In Turkey

Türkiye For Education
Türkiye is one of the two countries which have lands both in Asia and Europe in the world. This characteristic enables Türkiye to carry different cultures and world view. Türkiye has a pluralist structure ranging from its architecture to music, food culture to literature.
Türkiye actively take role in regional and global developments while stay on the course for EU membership. Türkiye always has been in the center of the events which change the course of history and host civilizations affected humankind. Türkiye considers that contributing to the peace of civilizations with its different colors is one of its primary purpose.
Türkiye contains natural beauty beyond comparison and four seasons within itself. In addition to these, Türkiye made a distinguished name in recent years for its successes in economic and social issues. Türkiye is one of the fastest growing countries in economy of the World and has 6th largest economy of Europe and 16th largest economy of the world.
Türkiye opens its universities for international students from all around the world with “Türkiye Scholarships”.
Scholarship with vast opportunities and education in qualified Turkish universities will help you to gain new perspectives and to suit yourselves with new abilities making you be one step ahead of others in your career.
Türkiye scholarship is a non-refundable grant and provided at higher education for in- ternational students.
The aim of Türkiye Scholarships is to improve mutual understanding with other countries and to contribute richness of global information with people oriented approach. Candidates can only apply online via Türkiye Scholarship web sites: www.turkiyeburslari. and  

Applications will be considered according to candidates’ academic success and success- ful candidates will be invited for face to face or online interviews. Information for the interviews will be send to candidates’ e-mail addresses that they used for application. Students who are selected for the scholarship will continue their education in a suitable department that they have academic background.



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